Archive of ‘General Announcements’ category

Social Studies

Oregon Trail Journal Writing: Students have been learning how to write narrative journal entries, while integrating story elements and historical facts.

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You’ve Got Mail !!!!”  A few weeks ago, we all arrived safely at Fort Laramie. While there, our travelers were overjoyed that there were letters waiting for them. Our mailman “Drew Wilson” enthusiastically handed out the letters. ***Thanks to those of you who made this event possible.;)20160202_144359

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Mapping Skills: Each student created and named his/her own island. Included on each island were landforms and cities. They also included a key/legend.






Our “Spotlight” Has Been Focused On…

 Aubrey! She is a fan of Legos, and she likes her stuffed animals Leona and Sledding.


Rubin! His favorite book is the 2015 Guiness Book or World Records.


Henrik! He enjoys making a variety of cool things with his hands.


Ekaterina! Here’s her favorite dog, Obi. She thinks he’s funny.


Fernanda! She’s holding her favorite pillow. Her favorite stuffed animal is her polar bear.


 Anna! She was so happy to bring in her favorite dog, Hailee.      .

Preparing for The Oregon Trail

Families have been busy creating a list of supplies, building their wagons, and painting the stops they will encounter along the Oregon Trail. When they return in January, they will write their Farewell Letters to their loved ones and friends and set off on their journey.



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Pajama Day

Our Pajama Day “choice time” was fun! We had many treats to eat and games to play. Students also enjoyed building forts with their blankets. Thanks to all of you who sent in such yummy treats.

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Partner Sharing About Our Characters

We are working on developing deep and meaningful ideas about the characters in our books. Shown below, are students working with partners to discuss their character’s personality traits, as well as the evidence from the text which supports those traits. Ask your child about one of the characters in the story they’re reading. Hopefully, they have some insights to share. 


Friday’s Pajama Day


This is a reminder that this Friday is Pajama Day for our school. The kiddos are so excited! We will also be having an end of the day “choice time.” They are allowed to bring blankets, stuffed animals, and a snack to share with our class.

Have a great evening. 🙂

The Oregon Trail and Writing

Students have been enjoying integrating their writing lessons with our simulated social studies unit. They are in the process of preparing to travel on the Oregon Trail and have been recording their experiences in their writing journals. So far, complex characters have been developed, names have been chosen, and families have determined their reasons for venturing west. Currently, another journal entry is being created through a story arc (the plan for a story from beginning to end), and is focusing on their character’s traits, motivations, obstacles and decisions on how to move through those challenges.

Below are a couple of story arc examples.



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